As recently highlighted by Government Executive, Local 17 is preparing to launch a new website. Similar to the website,, this new website will allow Local 17 members to anonymously and publicly rate their supervisor.
As you can see from this screenshot, the supervisors can be rated across a number of different areas. The questions for this rating are still being finalized however, and may change from what is depicted here.

Local 17 members will be able to add their supervisors if they are not already present on the directory, and they can rate any supervisor they wish. There will be a core set of questions that apply to all supervisors and a secondary set of questions that apply specifically to Veterans’ Law Judges.
Only dues-paying members of AFGE Local 17 will be able to submit ratings, so if you have not joined yet, you should definitely do so. Click here to join.
Invites should be going out to beta testers very soon, after which the site will be opened up to all Local 17 members. Stay tuned for more information.