May 7th Town Hall Discussion: The Impact of Our Union Arbitration Victory


Local 17 is happy to invite you to our Union Town Hall Meeting. Details are below:


Board of Veterans’ Appeals
MAY 7, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Topics for Discussion

  • Major arbitration victory
  • The new investigation requirements
  • Detail Opportunities

More Details:

We are thrilled to announce a significant victory for the Union in our recent arbitration against the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. The arbitrator ruled in our favor, determining that the Board had willfully and unlawfully changed the productivity element within the attorney-advisor performance plan. This change unfairly required attorneys to be on pace consistently for grade promotions. Furthermore, this unlawful change the productivity element was utilized to unfairly subject employees to performance improvement plans (PIPs).

The arbitrator unequivocally stated that the Board’s actions constituted an unfair labor practice, as they once again modified terms of employment without consulting the Union, thus depriving us of our right to negotiate on your behalf. In response to these findings, the arbitrator has ordered a status quo ante remedy, accompanied by back pay and interest for those who quality, to rectify the harm caused by the Board’s actions.


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